대형제약사가 돈버는 법, 막강한 힘을 이용해서
Just How Powerful Is Big Pharma?
By Dr. Joseph Mercola
Apr 10, 2021 - 4:14:03 PM
- APRIL 7TH 2021
Dr. Mercola, Guest
Waking Times
2020 코로나 COVID-19 대유행 기간 동안 전세계의 많은 사람들이 중단되었지만 한 가지는 꾸준히 유지되었습니다. 로비 활동에 대한 지출은 2020 년에 34 억 8 천만 달러에 이르렀는데, 이는 2019 년의 기록인 35 억 달러에 약간 못 미치는 수치입니다. 이 수치는 연방 캠페인 기부금과 로비 데이터를 추적하는 OpenSecrets.org에 의해 밝혀졌습니다.
의료 부문은 2020 년 로비 활동에 가장 많은 비용을 지출했으며 이는 기록적인 6 억 5100 만 달러입니다. 그 노력은 성과를 거두었고, Open Secrets는 "의회가 병원에 막대한 횡재를 가져왔고 연방 정부는 제약 및 의료 기기 제조업체에 수익성있는 계약을 체결했습니다, "라고 보고했습니다.
제약산업 로비 활동에 대한 지출도 2019 년 2억 9천 9백만 달러에 비해 2020 년 3억 6천만 달러 이상으로 기록적인 금액에 도달했습니다.
While much of the world slowed to a halt during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, one thing remained steady - lobbying efforts. Spending on lobbying reached $3.48 billion in 2020, which is just under 2019's record of $3.5 billion.1 The numbers were revealed by OpenSecrets.org, which tracks federal campaign contributions and lobbying data.
The health sector spent the most on lobbying in 2020 - a record $615 million. The efforts paid off, and, Open Secrets reported, "Congress delivered massive windfalls to hospitals and the federal government awarded lucrative contracts to pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers."2
Spending on pharmaceutical industry lobbying also reached a record amount in 2020, at more than $306 million, compared to $299 million in 2019.3
제약사 PhRMA : 2020 년 최고의 제약 로비스트
PhRMA: Top Pharmaceutical Lobbyist for 2020
2020 년 제약 로비스트는 1,502 명으로 그 중 63.58 %는 전직 공무원이었습니다. 전직 공무원과 전 의원이 로비 회사에서 일하는 회전문은 로비스트들 사이에서 일반적이며 그 반대도 발생합니다. 민간 부문의 사람들은 결국 정부 직책을 맡게됩니다.
2020 년 최고의 제약 로비스트는 미국 제약 연구 및 제조업체 (PhRMA)로 2,590 만 달러를 지출한 5 명은 전미 부동산업자 협회와 미국 상공 회의소에 이어 전체적으로 세 번째로 높은 로비 지출자가 되었습니다. PhRMA도 비영리 PhRMA 재단을 운영하고 있으며, 이 재단은 미국 식품의약국까지 전달될 수있는 연구 보조금을 제공합니다.
There were 1,502 pharmaceutical lobbyists in 2020, 63.58% of whom were former government employees.4 A revolving door, in which government employees and former members of Congress take jobs with lobbying firms, is common among lobbyists, and the reverse also occurs, in which people from the private sector end up in government positions.
The top pharmaceutical lobbyist in 2020 was the Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), which spent $25.9 million,5 making them the third top lobbying spender overall, behind only the National Association of Realtors and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.6 PhRMA also runs the nonprofit PhRMA Foundation, which gives grants for research that can be funneled all the way to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
FDA는 기업 자금을 받지 않지만 비영리 재단을 통해 그들에게 전달된 자금을 받습니다. 이 재단은 PhRMA를 포함한 사적 이익으로 자금을 조달하는 다른 비영리 단체로부터 자금을 받을 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, FDA가 관심을 갖는 과학 연구를 지원하기 위해 2007 년 의회에서 설립한 비영리 재단인 레이건-우달 재단 Reagan-Udall Foundation을 예로 들어 보겠습니다.
Reagan-Udall 재단은 산업이 아닌 정부, 개인 기부자 및 기타 비영리 단체의 보조금만 수령하겠다고 밝혔지만 2010 년에는 PhRMA 재단으로부터 15 만 달러의 보조금을 받았으며, 이는 비영리로서 허용되는 자금 출처의 정의에 기술적으로 부합합니다. 비록 제약 회사가 설립하고 자금을 지원하지만 말입니다.7
The FDA does not accept corporate money, but it does receive money funneled to them via nonprofit foundations, which may receive money from other nonprofits funded by private interests, including PhRMA. Take, for instance, the Reagan-Udall Foundation, a nonprofit foundation created by Congress in 2007 to support scientific research that is of interest to the FDA.
The Reagan-Udall Foundation said it would only accept grants from government, individual donors and other nonprofits, not industry, but in 2010 it received a $150,000 grant from the PhRMA Foundation which, being a nonprofit, technically fit the definition of an acceptable funding source, even though it's founded and funded by drug companies.7
2020 년 다른 최고의 대형 제약 로비스트
Other Top Big Pharma Lobbyists in 2020
PhRMA 이후 2020 년의 다른 최고 제약 로비스트는 다음과 같습니다.
After PhRMA, other top pharmaceutical lobbyists in 2020 included:8
Biotechnology Innovation Organization - $12.56 million | Amgen - $11.15 million |
Pfizer - $10.87 million | Roche Holdings - $10.87 million |
AbbVie - $7.07 million | Gilead Sciences - $7.03 million |
Merck - $6.98 million | Pharmaceutical Care Management Association - $6.92 million |
Bayer - $6.70 million | Novartis - $6.15 million |
Eli Lilly & Co. - $5.83 million | Horizon Therapeutics - $5.76 million |
Johnson & Johnson - $5.57 million | Bristol-Myers Squibb - $5.39 million |
Medtronic - $5 million |
업계가 첫 번째 코로나 COVID-19 부양책에 영향을 미치고자 열망했던 1 분기에는 로비 활동이 무거웠습니다 .9 많은 로비스트는 의회 지도자들과 긴밀한 관계를 유지했습니다. 공개 비밀에 따르면 : 10
"1000 명 이상의 고객이 2020 년 상반기까지 백악관 또는 의회 지도자들과 밀접한 관계를 맺은 로비스트를 파견했습니다. 이 고객 중 약 40 %가 전염병과 관련된 문제에 대해 로비를 한다고 보고했습니다.
Lobbying was heavy during the first quarter, when industries were eager to influence the first COVID-19 stimulus package.9 Many of the lobbyists also had close ties to congressional leaders. According to Open Secrets:10
"Over 1,000 clients dispatched lobbyists with close ties to the White House or congressional leaders through the first half of 2020. About 40 percent of those clients reported lobbying on issues related to the pandemic.
COVID-19 백신을 신속하게 개발하기 위해 연방 정부로부터 엄청난 횡재를 받은 제약 회사는 워싱턴 내부자를 배치했습니다. 인공호흡기 생산을 맡은 기업과 정부 지원을 받기 위해 치열한 산업에 종사하는 기업도 마찬가지였습니다. 행정 기간 동안 로비를 하지 않았던 회사 또는 이전에는 K Street 회사와 계약을 체결했습니다.
이러한 고객의 대다수는 올해 로비 지출의 거의 90 %를 차지하는 기업 또는 무역 협회입니다. 회전문 로비스트의 성공은 강력한 이해 관계자들이 고위 공무원의 전직 보좌관이 대부분의 고위급 협상에 영향을 미칠 수있는 가장 좋은 기회로 보았다는 것을 나타냅니다.
Pharmaceutical companies that received massive windfalls from the federal government to swiftly develop COVID-19 vaccines deployed Washington insiders. So did firms tasked with producing ventilators, and businesses in hard-hit industries angling for government aid. Companies that had not lobbied during the ... administration - or ever before - signed contracts with K Street firms.
The vast majority of these clients are businesses or trade associations, which make up nearly 90 percent of lobbying spending this year. The success of revolving door lobbyists indicates that powerful interests saw former aides to top officials as their best chance to influence high-level negotiations that mostly sidelined rank-and-file lawmakers."
거대 제약사 로비 액수가 상승한다
Big Pharma Lobbying on the Rise
Annual lobbying on pharmaceuticals and health products has been on the rise since 2013,11 and in 2019 the pharmaceutical industry was the top lobbying group in Washington, spending far more than any other industry. Among their top priorities that year was fiercely opposing a bill that would reduce drug costs.12
From 2018 to 2019, some major increases were noted, including for Akebia Therapeutics, which manufactures drugs for kidney disease. Their spending increased from $110,000 in 2018,13 to $1.8 million in 2019,14 and $1.6 million in 2020.15 AbbVie, which manufactures Humira, has also steadily increased spending, from $4.3 million in 2018 to $5.4 million in 2019,16 reaching over $7 million in 2020.17
"That spending," Open Secrets noted, "comes on top of the industry's many ad campaigns designed to influence lawmakers and the general public. The industry fights threatening legislation in creative ways, including funding prominent but unrelated associations to push pro-industry messages on the airwaves."18
PhRMA, for instance, funds the Partnership for Safe Medicines, which is a nonprofit group that claims to be in place to protect Americans from the sale of dangerous counterfeit drugs. In reality, it's another industry front group, which in 2019 used at least $900,000 in grants to pay for a series of television commercials aimed at stopping the importation of cheaper prescription drugs from other countries.
The ads featured sheriffs warning people of the "dangers" of importing drugs with "loose foreign safeguards," and claimed to be paid for by the National Sheriffs' Association. They falsely gave the impression that law enforcement was widely against the less expensive drug imports but, in reality, the Partnership for Safe Medicines, funded by PhRMA, had given the National Sheriffs' Association the grants to fund the industry-backed commercials.19
의료 마케팅에 300 억 달러 지출
$30 Billion Spent on Medical Marketing
The marketing of prescription drugs, health services, laboratory tests and even disease awareness is big business in the U.S., and spending has been on a steady uphill climb since 1997. That year, spending on medical marketing was $17.7 billion, which rose to $29.9 billion in 2016.20
Direct-to-consumer (DTC) spending increased the most rapidly, from 11.9% of total spending to 32%. DTC prescription drug ads accounted for $6 billion in spending alone in 2016, which amounted to 4.6 million ads, including 663,000 television commercials, mostly for high-cost biologics and cancer immunotherapies.
Disease awareness campaigns, meanwhile, are actually marketing campaigns run by pharmaceutical companies geared at diseases treated by their drugs. Such campaigns rose in numbers from 44 in 1997 to 401 in 2016, with spending increasing from $177 million to $430 million over the same period.
DTC marketing for health services also rose from $542 million to $2.9 billion, with spending increases particularly notable for hospitals, dental centers, cancer centers, mental health and addiction clinics and medical services, such as home health care.21
Aside from DTC advertising, Big Pharma is still marketing directly to health professionals - an area that accounted for the most professional spending, according to a JAMA study on medical marketing in the U.S.22
"Pharmaceutical marketing to health professionals accounted for most spending and remains high even with new policies to limit industry influence," the researchers, from The Dartmouth Institute's Center for Medicine in the Media, noted. "Despite the increase in marketing over 20 years, regulatory oversight remains limited."23
게이츠와 웰컴트러스트는 세계보건기구 WHO를 이용하여 세상을 사기친다
Gates and Wellcome Trust Use WHO to Swindle the World
The Wellcome Trust is a top funder of health research globally and has been a major player in the COVID-19 pandemic, including co-leading a WHO program to develop new COVID-19 therapeutics.24 However, the Wellcome Trust25 is part of the technocratic globalist network. Wellcome is the largest charity in the U.K. that funds "innovative biomedical research." It was formed in 1936 after the death of Sir Henry Wellcome, a pharmaceutical pioneer and progressive industrialist.
Their board consists of present or former bankers, insurance executives and investment board members. Sir Henry Wellcome, while still alive, founded the company that went on to become GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), so the Wellcome Trust is essentially the "philanthropic arm" of GSK.
In a BMJ investigation, journalist Tim Schwab points out that the charity's Big Pharma investments overlap with its research efforts, such that, "The major funder of health research stands to gain financially from the pandemic, raising questions about transparency and accountability."26
While leading the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator project to deliver COVID-19 treatment options, Wellcome has invested heavily in the companies making the treatments. This includes $389 million in Novartis, which manufacturers dexamethasone, and $347 million in Roche, which is manufacturing monoclonal antibodies.
"Both Roche and Novartis report having had conversations with WHO's ACT Accelerator about their therapeutic drugs," BMJ reported, adding:27
"Wellcome's financial interests have been published on the trust's website and through financial regulatory filings but do not seem to have been disclosed as financial conflicts of interest in the context of Wellcome's work on covid-19, even as they show that the trust is positioned to potentially gain from the pandemic financially."
유행성 대응으로부터 이익
Profiting From the Pandemic Response
Wellcome's director, Jeremy Farrar, also has a position on the U.K.'s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies, which advises the government on COVID-19, as well as a board seat with the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, which gave $1 billion to COVID-19 vaccine development.
While Farrar has spoken publicly on the benefits of specific COVID-19 drugs, Wellcome is heavily invested in companies manufacturing COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics, and reported gains of $4.5 billion from its investments in 2020, which the BMJ notes is "three times more money than the trust gave away in charity."28
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is also in line to profit from its role in the pandemic response, as it has more than $250 million invested in COVID-19-related companies. Despite their financial interests in the "solutions" they're touting, the Gates Foundation and Wellcome have been regarded favorably in the media for their role in pandemic response efforts.
The BMJ quoted Joel Lexchin, Professor Emeritus of York University's school of health policy and management in Toronto, who stated:29
"What the pandemic is doing is buffing the reputation of organisations like Gates and Wellcome and the drug companies, when I don't think they really deserve that buffing up.
I think they're acting the way they always have, which is, from the drug companies' point of view, looking after their own financial interests, and from the point of view of the foundations is pursuing their own privately developed objectives without being responsible to anybody but their own boards of directors."
The fact remains that, via their extensive lobbying efforts and marketing, Big Pharma is continuing to grow ever more powerful, as are the foundations connected to them.
【트럼프 망명정부 신호탄!?언론에 공개 된 트통의 백악관!! 】
대통령 되고 재산이 줄어든 사람은 처음보네요
다 필요없고, 바이든이 오바마, 힐러리보다 1천만표 이상 더 받았다는 걸 믿는 인간이 그게 사람이냐?
브라보 멋져요. 밀러와의 일이 잘 되길. 밀러, 믿음직합니다. 환상적인 회의라니.. 궁금 . 멋져요.. 키친 캐비닛 관습은 한국 지도자들도 본받아야 하겠습니다. 차를 마시며 허심탄회힌 속내얘기도 대중과 가까운 소통. 멋져요. 우리나라는 주류 문화, 술집에서 술집여자 데려다 놓고 접대문화해서 술취해서 얘기하는 것이 서로 가까와 지는 소통법이라 믿고 있으니... 건전하게 집에 불러서 가정식 요리에 차를 마시며 소통하는 키친 캐비닛 . 한국에서도 흥해라,
친중 바이든 너무 싫어서 트통 응원했지만 망명정부는 무슨 의미가 있나요? 부정선거를 파헤치지 않으면 2024년 선거도 어렵습니다!
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제시카 VS 티파니 소녀시대 멤버들의 영어가 반전인 이유?! (Jessica,Tiffany, SNSD | EngSub |영어공부) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zw455HWWXSY
[IU] 'Coin' MV Reaction ㅣ With 유희열, 샤이니 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFwfb5x3PR4
[해외반응] 최초 한국형 전투기 공개. 외국인들의 반응은? KF-21 시재기 출고식 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Shx_KFCRmL8
방사청이 보낸 경고에 외국방산업체 횡포 줄고 보잉사 즉각 80억 배상금 지불해 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DObRGeRe3KM
[해외반응] "한국은 그냥 미O 나라야!!!" 외국인이 한국에서 이틀 만에 2천만 원 써버리고 감탄하게 된 이유 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIvQCtRZ0o8
중국, 일본도 놀란 KF-21 실전배치 되면 맡게될 한국 공군이 상상하지 못했던 임무들 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXQ2Kmmz_yU
[결말포함]어른이들이 꼭 봐야 할 23년을 준비한 애니메이션(소울) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CIxwcF82aI
중국이 미얀마에 군을 투입하자 시민들의 반응! 미국을 비롯한 국제사회는 어떻게 나올까! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDvHHPZNtik
유성호 교수 | EP.3 죽은 뇌에 피를 공급하자 회복되었다?! 2021년 현재 '죽음'은 어디까지 왔을까 [어쩌다어른D] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2w_JNGsocI
[일본반응]"한국 전자식 집계부러워 우린 왜 팩스로 하는거야?" 팩스로 집계하니 조작하기 쉽다는 일본/ 3명중 1명이 확진자인 일본 현상황/ 검사자 조작하는 일본 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmLusnZC5-s
미 국회의 한국관련 폭탄 발언에 크게 당황하는 일본 상황 "한국 그만좀 건드려" 일본속내알고 긴급지시 내리나 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOQ980EQZgI
현재 미국 유럽연합 발표에서 한국 태극기만 등장하자 크게 놀라는 주변국 상황, 일본언론 "후진국이 되어버렸다" 발칵뒤집혀 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2e3p_9wrbvw
말레이시아에서 한국과 중국 첫 대결이 벌어졌는데 인도 한마디에 KO 승/ KF-21에 쏟아진 외신 호평, 동남아시아 한국만 믿는다는 이유 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVLNv1Iqh2I
[정글의법칙] 스페셜 '찐 특전사 박군X강은미 둘이 정글에 가면 개꿀 인정?' / 'Law of the Jungle' Special | SBS NOW https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPf-JuX-Oes
일본의 야심찬 계획 백지화 판정. 일본이 전투기 개량하려다가미국의 폭탄발언에 폭풍오열하는 이유 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-seXUJcZvM
아무리 노력해도 나아지지 않는 이유 l 저성장은 실패가 아닌 그동안 정말 잘 해왔다는 증거입니다. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eY55QlzwL0Q
한국이 졸렬한 일본과 멍청한 중국 때문에 고통 받자 미국과 영국이 대신 참교육 해버린 상황 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z21BOB9qpYE
중국이 미국내 아시안 마트에서 중국산을 한국산으로 속여서 팔자 뭐든지 맛있으면 한국산! 맛없으면 중국산으로 판별되어지는 상황 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysxjV4lBgYA
해외반응 | “이건 꼭 사야 해!” 한국을 방문한 해외 관광객들이 꼭 구매한다는 과자는 무엇? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXZasSFs104
푸마의 새로운 로고가 태극문양...???? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQUiSmVK4f4
서울을 방문한 미국 유명 유튜버가 갈매기살과 김치전에 정신을 못 차린 이유 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sl-ghjFGQzA
[일본반응] 미친 발언 전말과 반응들 | 한국인 차별 발언을 서슴치않는 DHC 요시다 회장. NHK의 비난에 직면하자 발끈하며 발광한다. 발언의 역사와 공방 전말, 반응. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDRNLejI7-Y
드류 배리모어가 14살에 삶을 포기하려 했던 사연 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zX9c9exqZgE
[너목보8] EP.11 실력자 하이라이트 모음집♨ l 매주 금요일 저녁 7시 30분#너의목소리가보여8 | I Can See Your Voice 8 EP.11 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgZjBT3jTlk
New Wilderness Off Grid Cabin, Milling Lumber, Building an Outhouse and a Ladder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ytu3wc_qIy4
중국 가짜통조림, 진짜 대신 뭐가 있나? Chinese fake canned food, what’s in it instead of real? #중국사회고발(25) 20210409 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cH5At9Kf5Qo
엉겅퀴-마시는 정력 강화제! 간과 담낭질환에 최고 약초! 연골세포 보호작용, 혈압조절, 당뇨치료, 항암 약초 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrG6_pK-z8E
일본반응 | "일본의 도움따위는 필요없다고?" 한국이 외환보유액 최대치 기록하자 경악하는 일본반응 "나중에 울며매달려도 도와주지 않을거라고!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TATEwkr8lc0
중국현지에서 보여주는 보고도 믿기힘든 흔한일상 chip daily life in China https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o50T-SRhMr8
맥도날드가 한국을 가지고 아시아에서 하고 있는 짓이 놀라운 이유 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzfjxsZb_CU
[외신번역] 260화 F-15K 59대 업그레이드 5조, 일본 F-15J 98대 업그레이드에도 5조? 어이없는 보잉(Boeing)의 요구가 입증해준 KF-21의 존재가치! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDYUkUXV75g
중국 반응| 한국의 KF-X 전투기는 KF-21, 스텔스로 공개완료! | 한국군, 군사력과 속보. KFX~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5JPOHcl7hc
프랑스에선 부활절날 아이와 어떤놀이를 할까요 ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Syfx1EyO9Z8
놀라운 가장 빠른 돌 분할 기술 ▶2 - 놀라운 현대 화강암 채광 기계 기술 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUtRsNm8zKM
허경영을 향한 한의사의 영적 질문 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRFKdXrnchU
이런 가족관계 들어보셨나요? / 뉴욕주,서류미비자 실업수당 준다 / 뉴저지주는 5인이하 기업에게 1인당 1000달러 지원 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tEmL62wugI
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